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Last Modified : 25.03.2021
Total Visitors : 80868
Visitors This Month : 80868
Last Modified : 25.03.2021
PSI.318 Geopolitics
Sınavımız 4 Haziran 2015 tarihinde yapılacaktır. Sınavda, 2'sini seçip yanıtlayacağınız 4 soru yer alacaktır. Çalışmanızı kolaylaÅŸtırmak için ders notlarını 'lecture notes' kısmında bulabilirsiniz.
PSI.318 is a sixth semester elective course for students of Political Science and International Relations.This elective course aims at providing the students with a greater understanding of the International Politics subdivision “geopolitics”, how it works, how it can be used to assess the capabilities of a state, a region, or a union of states in terms of their domestic and foreign policy orientations.
The course mainly focuses on the historical development of the concept of "geopolitics". In parallel to the historical development of geopolitics, different aspects of the geopolitical approach will be analysed considering geographical, cultural, and temporal differences. The students are expected to finish this class with a greater knowledge on how to assess geopolitical issues, improve their understanding of foreign policy and international system analyses, and with a better level of the international politics.
Course’s Weekly Schedule:
- Introduction to Geopolitics
- Framework to Understand Geopolitics – Geography, Geopolitics, Geostrategy
- Visualisation of Global Space
- Three Ages of Geopolitics and Imperial Geopolitics – 1
- Imperial Geopolitics -2
- Cold War Geopolitics
- Midterm Exam
- Emerging and Actual Geopolitical Hotspots
- Future of State and State System
- Global Civil Society
- September 11 and Post-International World
- The concept of Modern Empire and its Cultural Implications
- Reordering the World System
- General Evaluation
Grades: There will be one term paper during the semester and a final exam. The total grade of the papers will count for 50% and the final examination will count as 50% of the course's total grade.